Enabling mandatory identification across games and channels for more responsible gaming
The Mandatory Identification Program was started in late 2017 because of growing needs for more responsible gaming and coming changes in legislation. The overall intent was to increase the scope of mandatory identification across the games and channels but as a starting point the exact scope, schedule and tools to be developed were not yet clear. It was obvious that a big 5-year program would be needed, but careful planning and analysis was needed to focus on the areas and measures that would have the biggest impact towards more responsible gaming. Eventually the program will impact the entire customer base of Veikkaus.
Midagon provided the program director, who was responsible for the day-to-day management of the program during the initial 15 months. The scope of program management priorities evolved throughout the life cycle of the program: initially the focus was on clarifying the overall scope, planning some alternative scenarios and calculating the program impact on various KPIs. After the scope clarifications (primary target being mandatory identification to slot machines) Midagon’s program director focused on mobilizing and managing the work entities that included both application development and change management activities.
Program was ramped up as planned and over 20 work entities were implemented during the initial 15 months. Ways of working that enabled various development models (from agile development to plan-driven projects) were established. The overall phasing, annual priorities and interim milestones for the whole period of about five years were defined. Program targets were aligned with the renewal of Arpajaislaki legislation that was finalized in early 2019. As planned the program director responsibilities were handed over to Veikkaus during Q2 of 2019.